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Minimum rules for the treatment of convicts, in and out of italian prison

7 April 2014

Criminal responsibility is personal. The defendant is not considered guilty until the final judgement is passed. Punishment cannot consist in inhuman treatment and must aim at the rehabilitation of the convicted person. Death penalty is not permitted, except in cases provided for under wartime military law (art. 27 of italian Constitution).


Codice a Sbarre - Bar(s) Code
Minimum rules for the treatment of convicts, in and out of prison

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Fundamental rules for voluntary work in prison The Conferenza Regionale Volontariato Giustizia Trentino Alto Adige At whom is the vademecum aimed? Why voluntary work in prison?

Part I. "Prison Planet?

1. The legal framework
2. Prison facilities
3. The organization of the correctional facilities
4. U.E.P.E. (Uffici di Esecuzione Penale Esterna)
5. Prison personnel
6. Convicts

Part II. Voluntary assistants in prison

1. The role of voluntary work in prison (art.17, art.78)
2. The peculiarity of voluntary work in prison
3. The operative area of voluntary workers in prison according to art. 78

Part III. Criminal Procedure: an in ? depth analysis

1.Trial proceeding
a) The investigative process
b) The defense attorney
c) The prosecutor
d) The GIP judge
e) The GUP judge
f) Limitations on personal freedom
g) The initial arraignment
h) Precautionary measures/ remand
i) The Court of Review
l) The release

2. On trial
a) The preliminary hearing
b) What happens at trial
c) Alternative proceedings
d) Special proceedings
e) Appeal and appeal to the Supreme Court of Cassation
f) Recidivism and the so-called ex Cirielli ? law

3. Judgement enforcement
a) Types of enforcement
b) Codified laws
c) Alternative measures, other benefits
Foreign inmates
Addicted inmates

Part IV. Monitoring performed by the Regione Trentino Alto Adige
Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano
Provincia Autonoma di Trento


The first edition of the vademecum Codice a Sbarre has been highly praised. In the meantime, the law has changed and there have been adjustments in the way local services were organized; as a consequence of the above - mentioned factors, we have been prompted to revise and to edit the first edition of the handbook.
The current reissue would not have been possible without the pro bono work of Avvocati per la Solidarietà di Trento e Rovereto, a group of lawyers whose teamwork spawned the legal part of the vademecum. In particular, we would like to thank the following lawyers: avv. Nicola Canestrini, avv. Valentina Carollo, avv. Giovanni Guarini and avv. Chiara Pontalti); dott.ssa Rosina Cavallo managed the editing, the review of the files on the Provincia of Trento and the coordination of all volunteers as well as being in charge of al administrative duties, whereas the files on the Provincia Autonoma of Bolzano have been edited by Sabina Sedlak.

We would also like to thank dott. Piacentino Claudio (publishing) dott.ssa Elena Tomè for the graphic project; dott.ssa Irene Serangeli for the part about foreign inmates.
Again, we feel that all those aforementioned deserve our deepest gratitude for the effort and the dedication they pledged to the project, but above all for being so professional: without all your precious help we would not have been able to issue the vademecum at all.
Last but not least, we would like to give thanks in the name of all those who are in prison now or who have been in prison: we hope you will read Codice a Sbarre and most of all, that you will be able to take advantage from its implementation.

Finally, we would end this introduction by thanking the Provincia di Trento and its Equal Opportuniy Counsel, dott.ssa Lia Giovannazzi Beltrami, who supported us financially therefore allowing us to issue the vademecum.

A special thanks goes to the Conferenza Regionale Volontariato Giustizia Liguria, to dott. ssa Anna Grosso and Avvocato Marco Cafiero who waived the copyright use of their handbook ?Vademecum dell?assistente volontario nelle carceri? and allowed us to partially reproduce it in the first issue of Codice a Sbarre.

Thank you all for your effort, your dedication, your passionate work.

The President of the Conferenza Regionale Volontariato Giustizia - Trentino Alto Adige, MICHELE LARENTIS

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